Weather the Storm // 12x12 Layout Share

January 24, 2017

Hello friends! Welcome back to the blog! I hope you're all doing well. Today, on the blog I am sharing a layout that was really fun for me to make. It uses a variety of products from different manufacturers and a whimsical title using a mixture of fonts.  

The layout begins with two patterned papers. The small blue and white border around the edges is a piece of patterned paper from DCWV's Green paper stack. Which in all honesty is probably circa 2009. Glad I have finally put it to good use! The green patterned paper is from Craft Smith's Sea Glass paper pad. I love the texture on the papers of this paper pad. It's hard to describe, but they are textured, but have a smooth like finish.

I have two main cluster points on this layout and a few minor ones. The one to the left of the photo was one that just sort of fell together, This layout is a perfect example of my favorite color scheme to work with. I used a bow from American Crafts DIY Shop to pull in more florals to the page. To document the date, I used my ever favorite Teresa Collins tiny number stickers.

 Some of the die cut bits I used are from Dear Lizzy, Pebbles, and Joann's. I think that variations in shade adds a lot of depth to a layout. While there isn't much dimension in this cluster, the little bits of it that are there (like the wood veener umbrella by Jillibean Soup and absolutely adorable cat flair from Paper & Spool) really are emphasized.

I needed a decent sized cluster to help balance the title and the cluster to the left of the photo. I opted for a cardstock banner based cluster this time to bring in more of the navy patterned paper from DCWV that is also layered behind the photo. I used a Heidi Swapp puffy sticker and some more floral pieces from Pebbles to make it cohesive. The title on this layout is made out of three different fonts. The first word is made using K and Company alphabet stickers, then I used Teresa Collins stickers, and lastly these huge and puffy American Crafts Thickers. Perfect for this rainy day layout I think!

If you've possibly stuck around this long, you've probably wondered what the heck the story behind the photo is. My cat Ted here is not a brave man. He is quite the opposite. While he is very timid, he still loves going out on the deck with us when he can (under close surveillance). One day he was crying and crying at the door to go out for a nice breath of fresh air. Little did our kitty cat know that we were in the middle of a huge rain storm. Just one of those funny moments I wanted to capture. I hope you enjoyed this layout, Thank you so much for stopping by!

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