DIY: Pearl Bobby Pins

January 05, 2014

Today I'm here to share with you a DIY of a picture I had found on Pinterest. Now there were no instructions on the post on Pinterest, but here's how I did mine!

Here's the picture off of Pinterest

Now for my little beauties!

For these, I first deconstructed a necklace that had these very pretty colored pearl beads that are reminiscent of bubble gum. Then I used 20 gauge silver wire (you can use a thinner wire if you wish), some black bobby pins, and some super glue. 

I tried following the Pinterest pictures, but they were lacking a little, so first I cut the wire into approximately 6 inch pieces. I then folded them in half and put dabs of super glue on the folded end of the wire and placed it inside the beads. 

After waiting for a while for the glue to completely dry, take a bobby pin and the bead with wire and take one of the loose ends of the wire and put it through the bobby pin (like in the Pinterest picture). Now you just wrap the desired amount of times with both loose ends around the edges of the bobby pin. You tuck the ends of the wire into the middle of the bobby pin and tada! 

I made these as a gift for one of my dearest friends for Christmas and she truly adored them. Super easy, a tad time consuming because of the drying time, but totally worth it.

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