DIY Dorm Decor // Floral Globes + BONUS DIY Project!

July 25, 2015

Are you looking for a way to spice up your dorm decor? Try out this perfect (and inexpensive) DIY to add a little color and texture into your dorm room or apartment! 

To start off, here's the supplies you'll need! A Styrofoam ball, (mine is 4" diameter from Joann's), some silk flowers (I used 9 bunches of Hydrangeas from the Dollar Store), scissors (or wire cutters if you have them). Some optional supplies include hot glue gun and ribbon (if you'd like to hang it).

The first step in this process is to cut all of your flowers about 1 1/2" to 2" down the stem. This size will vary due to how large your Styrofoam ball is. 

Then you'll start to put the flowers into your Styrofoam ball. You want to put them close enough together that you can't see the white of the foam, but also not too close so they are crowding each other out. For a better demonstration of this stay tuned for the video at the end of this post! 

This is what it'll start to look like when you begin to put more and more on. I have to admit that this DIY is not for those who get easily frustrated. There were quite a few hiccups in this DIY for me. I really think if I had more reliable wire cutters it would've been slightly easier. 

To see the completed version watch my YouTube video at the end of this post!

Here's a few other photos of the completed product as well as an alternate version! (Stay tuned for the bonus DIY!)

As you can see the one made out of the cream Dahlias turned out slightly smaller overall compared to the one made of hydrangeas. But they really balance each other out perfectly. I would highly recommend that you buy more flowers than you'll think you need. I ran out on both of my projects (but I saved the day!) 

Bonus DIY

For the bonus DIY I just used an empty jar (mason jars work too), the extra flowers I had, some washi tape, and a hot glue gun! 

This little extra pretty DIY storage is a great addition to any room! Plus, it'll match your Floral Globe as well! To see a walk through of how I made this DIY please watch my video below. If you have any questions feel free to comment to ask!

Enjoy the video!

I hope you enjoyed these DIY's I've shared with you! Please subscribe for more! 

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