Product Review: Simple Cleansing Facial Wipes!

November 03, 2014

Hi everyone! I hope you're all enjoying the last of the Fall weather, I know I am!

Today I have a review of the Simple Cleansing Facial Wipes.

The Simple brand is known for their purity standards which means that in these makeup wipes you will not be exposed to the harsh chemicals often found in other makeup and beauty items. No perfumes, no dyes, and no harsh irritants.

Now I know, that sounds great and all, but what you're really wondering about this product, is do they work?

Personally, I really love these facial wipes. My favorite part about them was that they didn't leave any sort of residue on my face, but rather a nice clean feeling (which every makeup wipe should do). Some other perks about these fabulous wipes is that their "natural scent" which is just due to the product itself is not that bad. 

Every product has a few down sides and here's the ones for this product. First off the only quantity of the pack I can find is 25 and I don't know about you, but I wear makeup everyday, so these won't even last for a month! Also they are in the price range of $4.50 to $6.00 which is a little expensive from a college girl's point of view. Other than that I would rate these wipes a 4.5/5. The cost is definitely a considering factor for me, but if there's a coupon in the near future I will definitely look into buying these again!

You can find these wipes at Walmart, Target and other drug stores as well as Ulta and online.

If you guys have any additional questions about this product or want to request a product for me to review, please leave a comment below! Thanks for stopping by!

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