Fall Fun: Corn Maze at Long Acre Farms

October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

The leaves are now officially falling and the trees are looking a little bare, but to end our rapidly declining Autumn season we celebrated with a corn maze at Long Acre Farms!

I had never experienced a true corn maze before and man was I not prepared for this one! I wouldn't say that the maze was hard, the hardest part was that we had to find all of the pieces to make the map, and somehow managed to complete the map and the maze at the exact same time, but that story will come at a later time.

Long Acre Farms is a family fun and friendly place located in Macedon, NY. They have several different pricing options and activities, some of which are free!

Here's some snap shots of our highlights!

Let's just say that we we're easily amused by the goats, although I refused to feed them myself, but look how cute the little baby one is!!

Even though we started the maze at the same time and place as a giant group of people, we managed to get very, very separated which made it more fun. Plus it was eerily dark, and we thought it was going to rain, I'm not into spooky, but this made it so cool!

 Another personal favorite part of mine, was their pumpkin stories, as I now call them. If you haven't already figured it out, it as nursery rhyme themed! Some of the pictures here include Jack & Jill, Hickory Dickory Dock, Little Miss Muffet, Mary had a Little Lamb, Little BoPeep, Three men in a Tub, Humpty Dumpty, Three Blind Mice, Ba Ba Black Sheep and there were more not pictured. Tell me in the comments below if you know all of these nursery rhymes or what your favorite nursery rhyme is!

Since this was my first corn maze, testimony would be it is so much fun, more fun than I thought it would be. Plus Long Acre Farms has so much other stuff to do, (I didn't even tell you everything!). I hope you have a Happy Halloween everyone!

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