VIDEO: Christmas Life Hacks // Easy Tags, Cards, & more!

December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! The post this week is brought to you on a Friday instead of a Saturday. Today I'll be celebrating with family and friends. I wish you the happiest of holidays and safe travels!

In today's last Christmas post of the year ( :( ), I'm sharing some last minute Christmas life hacks that will really make your Christmas the best it can be! There's nothing worse than waking up on Christmas morning and realizing you forgot a gift or you forgot gift tags on your gifts that you frantically wrapped last night. No need to fret my tips can save the day!

If you need a quick and easy tag for any of your gifts try out my quick and super adorable ugly sweater gift tags!

I free handed drawing and cutting these out, but if you're not that confident in your sweater drawing skills just find a clip art image to print out and trace. Then, gather some coloring supplies so you can make a quick ugly sweater!

Here are all of the supplies I used in the making of these sweaters, Super cute, simple, and easy! 

Here's the two sweaters designs that I created, but you can get super fancy if you really want to! If you check out my video below you'll also see how to make an ugly sweater Christmas card as well!

Here's all of the supplies I used! I think the ribbon really added a nice touch to the package.

For this next project, I just took toilet paper or paper towel tubes to create a really simple pillow box for a gift card or jewelry item. Follow along using the walk through in my video down below!

For our last, but not least Christmas life hack, I'm showing you how to candy roll your presents! This is easier to follow along to in the video, but here's my verbal explanation. First, your gift must be rollable. I have done this technique with slipper socks and other clothing items. 

Once you have your wrapping paper and gift, you'll want to roll the item then roll it up in the wrapping paper and secure with one piece of tape in the middle, leaving the ends loose. Next, you'll want to gather the paper on the ends in your hand so it looks like the end of a peppermint candy, then secure with ribbon tied in a bow or knot. Complete on both sides. Once you're done you can curl the ribbon ends to add a little extra frill. 

Here's the video with instructions and walk-throughs of the all of the projects!

That's it! Super simple and easy! I hope you all enjoyed these DIY last minute Christmas life hacks! Thanks for stopping by and Merry Christmas!

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