Crafty Goal Monthly Report // February 2017

February 26, 2017

Happy Sunday friends! It's that time of the month again where I post my progress report on the crafty goals I have set for 2017! I like doing these posts particularly to show you that if you stick with it you can achieve it! Plus, sometimes I get less progress competed than I wish. No one is perfect and I want to make all of you feel more comfortable and less overwhelmed with/by your goals. So let's jump into the details for this month!

1) Organize and find a place for my photo albums

This goal has not made any more progress than it did last month. However, we are closer to buying a new entertainment unit. If you remember from last month I mentioned that I wanted to keep some of my albums in our new entertainment center in the living room.

2) Complete 2 travel albums

I did make some progress on this goal. I have created quite a few pages for my Pittsburgh travel album. I'll be sharing the latest ones for this month over on my YouTube channel for my monthly wrap up. So, if you would like to take a glimpse come on over and check them out! That video will be up a few days after this post goes live. As for my other album, haven't touched it. I'm not going to lie it does overwhelm me. Mainly because we'll be going on another vacation soon and I won't have a single album done for 2016's trips. Oh well, I'll keep traveling faster than I can scrapbook it I suppose, haha.

3) Follow at least 2 spending freezes

To be quite honest, I'm not sure this goal will be able to be complete since I am on a design team currently and need to buy products to showcase. However, I have limited my spending immensely. So, I'm making progress, and although I can't quit cold turkey yet, maybe one day!

4) Create more cards and have an organizational system for them

Ah, yes, one of my favorite crafty goals. Make more cards! It sounds so simple, doesn't it? Well, I have made quite a few cards in February since Valentine's Day was here and now gone. This goal lives on to still inspire me to keep creating and sending cards. I'm slowly coming up with new ideas for who to send cards to like my grandpa who just got a new dog! The perfect occasion to send a little snail mail. The organization part has made absolutely no progress, but since I'm at school I will have to let that goal slide a little bit.

That's the summary of my goal update for this month! I hope you enjoyed reading about my struggles and successes. It's always fun to look back upon too! If you would like to see what I created this month watch my YouTube channel for a wrap up video. Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Love this idea of goals. I need to do this, but I always fail! If I give myself a full year it might just work\|\.


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