Crafty Goal Monthly Report // April 2017

April 30, 2017

How has it already been another month?! I can hardly believe it is May and I'll be graduating in a few short weeks. While I'm still not exactly sure how my new job will effect my crafting/blogging schedule, I will still be bringing you tons of content (even if it isn't my normal format). Today is another crafty goal report. To be quite honest, I have not been actively working on any of these goals, but I'm hoping that maybe subconsciously I did something this month. Let's jump right into it and see how things went!

1. Organize and find a place for my photo albums

This is actually one I kinda worked on. My parent's finally decided which TV stand they wanted to order. It is assembled and I love the way that is looks, but I haven't been home much to put my scrapbooks in it! So, this one should definitely be complete by the end of the year! I cannot wait to have the albums accessible to my entire family instead of having them tucked away in my craft room.

2. Complete 2 travel albums

Let's be honest, this is a very long term goal. I have made a decent dent in my Pittsburgh album. but not much has been done this month. I'm hoping for some better results in May, but I have a lot going on. There's finals, graduation, moving home, moving my boyfriend, online classes, so much stuff and so little time! May will definitely be hectic, but I'm ready for it and remaining hopeful! 

3. Follow at least two spending freezes

As I have mentioned in a couple other crafty goal update lists, this one is out the window. My DT requirements don't require a lot of spending, but they do, so this goal is on hold. How are you guys doing with your goals? I hope they're going well! 

4. Create more cards and have an organizational system for them

Lastly, this goal is one of my favorites to talk about. Card making is a big target for me this year. I'm getting obsessed with sending/giving them and now making them! You can check out my monthly wrap up video to see which and how many cards I created this month (mainly because I am writing this before the month is completely over ;) ).

I hope you enjoyed this updated! I hope this encourages you all to stick to your goals and think about how far you've come. You've got this! Thanks for stopping by!

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