Tuesday Morning Shopping Hacks! // How to Make Sure You're Getting a Good Deal!

April 03, 2019

As crafters, we love a good deal on cute paper, stickers, or even tools! We hunt high and low to get the best discount and the best value. Tuesday Morning happens to be one of those stores that has everything on discount! While each store is unique with small or larger sections of craft supplies, there are ways to make sure you're getting the best deal. As a disclaimer, this is just my opinion and this is not in affiliation with Tuesday Morning (I just like saving money and want to share my tips with everyone). Every store is different and some don't even have a craft section, but here are some tips that might help you get the most out of your local store.

1. Amazon Price Check

If you have the Amazon App you can click on the camera icon on the homepage near the search bar. This will open up a barcode scanner. Scan the UPC code on the back of the product (not the Tuesday Morning price sticker) to see what the product retails for on Amazon. This ensures your "real" savings for the Tuesday Morning price! Be aware that not all of Amazon products are at a reasonable price either, but this might help you gauge if a tool or product is a good deal!

2. Know your store's restock schedule

Since each store is different, the restock schedule might be different. I have heard it vary from Tuesdays to Thursdays, so ask the staff at your location to get in the know. Also, remember that there's a difference between when the new shipment comes and when they put it out on the shelves. Sometimes knowing both schedules is helpful! If you aren't able to visit your store very often, giving them a call to ask about the schedule might be a great way to ensure the next time you do go that they'll have some fresh items.

3. Know your store's clearance schedule

This is a little bit harder to figure out, but can be very useful in your hunt for the best deal! You can ask the sale associates at the store if they'll let you in on the little secret! There are also various online blogs that claim the color of the tag has something to do with when it will be clearanced out. You'll notice that some of the initial price tags have a green strip, while others have no color. But it's just easier to ask as each store is a bit different. While the clearance schedule might indicate one certain day of the week, be sure to check out clearance every time to see if random items have been marked down recently!

4. SKU Code Search

Have you ever watched a Tuesday Morning haul and saw a product you just HAD to have?! Well if you know the SKU number for the product now you can see if it is carried at a local store near you! Give their number a call and have the SKU number ready to dial in! Call them at 1-800-901-0881 to use their search system! If they do have a product you want, you may be able to call your local store and ask them to hold the item for you. Each store has different policies on this, but it could come in handy!

Those are my top tips for ensuring you're getting the best deals at Tuesday Morning! Do you have any additional tips? Let everyone know in the comments down below! Thanks for stopping by!

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