Review: Not Your Mother's "Clean Freak" Dry Shampoo

July 18, 2014

For all of you who have absolutely no idea what dry shampoo is, it's typically an aerosol formula that attempts to absorb oils and add volume to your hair! It's basically for those days where you showered at night, but your hair didn't make it until morning (am I right?!) or when your hair is looking a little down in the dumps after a long work week.

The Not Your Mother's Clean Freak Dry Shampoo is the latest dry shampoo I have purchased. It is available at Walmart, Target, and here at Ulta. 
Costing $6 to $8 depending on where you buy it, I believe it is worth every penny.

This one especially I find to have all the qualities to look for when purchasing a dry shampoo.

1. It absorbs the excess oil in hair (the stuff that causes it to look greasy)
2. It has a nice refreshing scent
3. It leaves no white residue like some
4. It doesn't make hair static (at least for me)
5. It's a hefty amount in the bottle (so it lasts long)

I'd personally give this product a 4.5/5! There's always room for improvement. 

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