DIY Dishwasher Sign

December 15, 2014

During the December hunt for what to buy my mother for Christmas it occurred to me that sometimes the things she wants cannot be purchased with money. She really appreciates it when I hand make her even the smallest of things. So, when I saw this cute little dishwasher dirty or clean sign on Etsy, I knew I had to make it for her. Now she won't even have to ask me or my siblings to put the dishes away because we'll know when they're clean!

Here are all the supplies you'll need for this little guy!


Paint Brushes
String or Twine or Wire
2 Small Wooden Shapes
Not Pictured: Hole puncher (one that can go through the wooden shapes), magnets, and a hot glue gun

The first step is to punch a hole in each shape, this will be used later to attach them together with the string. An important tip is to make sure you buy extras of these small wooden shapes in case one cracks or breaks during the hole punching process.

The next step is to paint your shapes (front, back, and edges). This might need two coats depending on your quality of paint and what color you choose! If you're not into painting all too much you can always just cover the front and back in some pretty paper you have.

Then come the letter stickers! You can really personalize this any way you want. I chose some curvy letters so it looks a little more fancy in my mother's kitchen.

Then you'll want to hot glue your magnet or magnets on and use some twine or ribbon to attach the two pieces. I looped mine so the know wouldn't show, but it's all up to you and your taste.

Now this beauty and ingenious piece is ready to be hung either on the dishwasher itself, or if you have curious furry friends around, on the fridge near the dishwasher.

I hope you enjoyed this sweet and simple DIY and if you have any questions or improvements please let me know in the comments below! Thank you so much for stopping by!

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