Valentine's Day Fun // Mailbox DIY

January 27, 2015

If you're anything like me then you're a lover for all the holidays. I wish I could decorate everything for every holiday, but that would be a tad insane right?...Right?!? Well maybe not I suppose, but I do like to add my own touch on every holiday that I can with cute little things whether it be decorations, activities, or surprises. 

Since Valentine's Day is approaching quickly, I decided that I wanted to do something really cute for my boyfriend and I. We found these adorable and teeny, tiny mailboxes at Target for only $1!

So, we picked two up and my mind was racing for cute ideas. We decided that what we should do with the mailboxes is to first decorate them (duh!) then we decided that starting on February 1st and everyday until the 14th (Valentine's Day) we would leave a small gift in one another's mailbox to open the next day. Just a little something whether it be a note or a piece of candy.

So enough mushy, gushy stuff, let's get on to the decorating! 

To start off we found these cute little plastic letters and put our first initials on the front of the boxes. Then I used doilies and K&Company fabric tape to decorate my mailbox.

We also decided that it would be really cute if we added sweet addresses on to our mailboxes.

 On the back of my mailbox I cut out a small heart from the fabric tape and adhered it to the center back panel.

I left the other side of my mailbox pretty simple, by just adding the other half of my doily to the side.

For Sam's mailbox he used the same blue acrylic letters on the front, some chalk, some cardstock, and some felt.

He colored his front chalkboard heart with some red chalk then adhered his letter on top of that.

He wrote his address on some paper.

Then he got really creativite with the red and pink felt and cut out a heart and arrow! (How adorable!)

Last but not least on the other side of his mailbox he used the red chalk again to draw some hearts!

These mailboxes are so cute, inexpensive, and easy to decorate however you want! These would be perfect not only for couples, but children too. 

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