Naughty or Nice - 8x8 Layout Process! // Episode N - Summer of Stories

July 18, 2019

Welcome back for another episode of Summer of Stories! Hard to believe we are already on letter N, we're over halfway through! I hope you've enjoyed it so far along with the free printables and the opportunity to get additional content over on my Patreon! Don't forget to share your projects on Instagram with #SummerOfStories2019! Let's dive into this project.

This spread is an 8x8 chipboard album spread. I decided to use the remaining photos from my 2016 album to make a mini album for my brother and sister-in-law. These were really simple layouts to create. I covered the chipboard with some DCWV paper, but did that off camera. I have several process videos from a previous chipboard album where I show my process on how I do that. Below is the process video for these pages that explains my embellishing choices and more!

These two pages would be great as singular designs or together! As you can see, they mimic a similar design. The main title above the photo, main cluster to the bottom left of the photo. I mentioned in the video how I planned on not including any journaling spots because this is just an alternative for a photo album for their family. I find Christmas pages to generally be self-explanatory through the photos. 

I hope you enjoyed these simple pages! Thanks for stopping by! Don't forget that you can get real-time process videos of these pages on my Patreon!

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