Quite The Duo - 8x8 Double Layout Process // Episode Q - Summer of Stories

July 30, 2019

This might be one of the hardest episodes yet! Luckily, through titling and storytelling, we can tackle letter Q! I think that when a Thicker pack has met the end of its life, there are often still all of the q's left, but let that be no more! It's time to put more q's on to our layouts! It's rather quite simple (did you see what I did there??).

I made a beautiful embellishment cluster on the left hand page to serve as a scenery point and to set the mood. With 8x8 pages there isn't a whole lot of room to embellish when it comes to putting 4x6 photos on a page. I used a bunch of the Winterberry die cuts to create a small scene which in retrospect is not correctly proportional at all, but that's okay! This helps give the eye something to explore.

The process video above goes into more detail on that. I think the real star of the show is the photo and starkly contrasted title. While I did mix a bunch of collections, I did try to keep the cream as my base neutral. The black alphabet I chose stood out due to the muted color waves. The embellishment clusters on this page, although smaller than the previous, it is still impactful due to words and dimension. I'm still addicted to chipboard pieces on my chipboard albums! 

Overall, I think the deeper reds and greens help pull out the colors in the photo, while also complementing the theme. The stark title helps to break up the repetitive colors and the dimensional chipboard pieces help bring a little extra interest! I hope you enjoyed!

Download Summer of Stories - Q Here!

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