Piano Recital 12x12 Layout // 2nd Layout of the Year!!

January 26, 2016

Hello all! Thanks for stopping by. If you're new here be sure to check out all my social media and my about me page for all you could want to know! However, if you're a returning friend, you'll remember my post about new year's resolutions. (If you can't recall it's right here.) In that post I said my goals for how many projects, cards, and layouts I wanted to create this year in an effort to use more supplies. Today, I proudly bring you my second layout of the year!! WOO! My goal for layouts this year is 20, so we're off to great start.

Here's an overview of the layout. As many of you probably have seen, almost every YouTube process video that I watch involves beautiful layering! So, with this layout I decided to give that a whirl. I think it came out pretty well.

I finally got to use some sequins on the layout and one of my roller date stamps! Woohoo for using new products that are sitting in your stash! This little cluster also features a die cut from Amy Tangerine, a mini tag from K&Company, and some washi tape. The floral/grid background paper you can see behind the die cut I made from a background floral stamp I have (not sure who makes it).

The title for this layout is made out of two different fonts. The top one ("piano") is from the Target dollar spot during Christmas and the other font ("recital") is from Studio 112. Then I added a few more sequins to balance out the bottom.

I hope you enjoyed this layout! Thank you so much for stopping by. 

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