8.5 x 11 Layout Share // Black Background Tips

September 07, 2017

Welcome back crafty friends! Today I have a layout that I created for a fun challenge over in the spending freeze event I am a part of called Rediscover Your Stash Spending Freeze Round 2 on Facebook. This event is put on by the lovely Sara and Khristina. There is a lot of inspiration and fun challenges, so definitely check it out. This is a different type of layout for me since it is very dark. It isn't exactly how I envisioned it coming together, but it still works. 

I wanted to keep everything dark, but not let the photo get lost. The photo pops regardless of whether or not I put it with a black background or a white background due to the contrast within the photo itself. I kept this layout simple in order to let the photo shine. I did add a lot of texture through various mediums though. I used pom-pom trim which you can barely see in the overview photo, but I promise it is there! My title is a small flair piece (actually a pin) from Michaels. I added some bundled up black thread beneath that for more interest.

The grid pattern on the bottom half of the layout was simple to do, plus I used up some scraps! These are various papers, but mostly from some of my DCWV stacks. I cut my squares to 1 3/4" x 1 3/4" so they had a thicker border. The original sketch had a lot of stitching on this layout, but I was not up to the challenge. Another little element that I added was this circular puffy sticker from MAMBI.

This layout was quick and easy and may be a go to sketch for future 8 1/2 x 11" layouts. I highly recommend that you check out the Facebook group and join in on the fun. I hope you enjoyed this layout share. If you have any questions feel free to post them in the comments and I would be happy to answer them. Thanks for stopping by!

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