VIDEO: An Honest Craft Room Tour // September 2017

September 12, 2017

These past couple of weeks have gone by so, so quickly. I have just moved and I'm still trying to get settled in my new place. I explain a little bit more in the video, but also check out my Instagram page for more updates. So, while it will be a little while before I can craft in my new place, I have pre-made and pre-filmed some projects/videos for you all to enjoy in the mean time. Before I had left home, I decided I would film a very honest craft room your. What I mean by the word honest is that there was no tidying up or cleaning before I started filming. This is what the disaster state of my craft room looks like and now it is on the internet for everyone to see! Please enjoy this craft room your overview. 

If you have any questions about anything in my space please let me know. I would be happy to answer your questions. If you want any specific close ups on any of the sections of my craft room I can do those when I go back home to visit, so let me know and I'll plan ahead! I hope you enjoyed this craft room tour. Thank you so, so much for watching!

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