Crafty Goals Monthly Report // September 2017

October 01, 2017

How is it already October! I hope you're all excited as we start to roll in to the autumnal season and the upcoming holidays! This month was a continuation of the whirlwind from August. This month I accepted a new job, moved states, started my new job, and more. It's been complicated and overwhelming, but the opportunity horizon called me and I went to it. I hope that my routine will soon involve more scrapbooking than it does currently, but as of yet, I don't even have a crafting desk (I'm sharing)! Here's a quick update for the goals I had set at the beginning of the year. 

1. Organize and find a place for my photo albums

I only brought one 12x12 album with me to the new place. I just couldn't justify bringing them all here when I barely have any furniture yet. The rest will live at my parent's house probably until I move in to a bigger place. I'm looking in to what unit might be good as a TV stand and album storage for my new apartment, but I'm still working on that tidbit. 

2. Complete 2 travel albums

This has been the top goal for me since I moved down here. Almost all of my blog projects and videos are about my travel album. I am proud to say that I am working on the last leg of the trip finally! Although there are still hundreds of photos to pick and choose to go in the album. As for my other album, I brought the supplies, but forgot the album, so it's a little up in the air. 

3. Follow at least two spending freezes

I think I may have officially decided that it is impossible for me to not buy a couple of goodies every so often. However, that being said, I think I want to alter this goal as to not buy certain types of things. For example, I am on a spending freeze for 6x6 paper pads. I haven't purchased one in so long (that I can remember at least). I also should be on a spending freeze for 12x12 paper, but we'll see how that goes. So, as of right now, I'm putting myself on a spending freeze for inks, 6x6 paper pads, 12x12 paper pads, Thickers (unless from Tuesday Morning), and stamps. I really shouldn't be buying more stamps until I go through what I have. Hopefully this will be good for me!

4. Create more cards and have an organizational system for them

Yes, I have been making some cards! I am sending out a couple this week actually. I want to create a series of Halloween cards to send to everyone back home as well. I think they will like it. I am currently looking for a system to store them down here in the new place. I'm thinking some sort of box or bin. However, I'm still on the hunt.

That's it for this little update! How's the progress towards your goals coming along? I would love to hear about it. Thanks for reading and stopping by!

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