Crafty Goals Monthly Report // November 2017

December 03, 2017

It may already be December, but we have to recap November's crafty goal progress! 2017 has been a bumpy ride and it isn't quite over yet. November was another busy month and while I didn't craft as much as I had wished, I did finally set up my scrap space in a way that I hope works for me! You can check out my latest craft room tour here

While things are settling around the new place, I have been enjoying the new desk, the new set up, but my time is still getting spent elsewhere. Hopefully December, although busy, will be full of craftiness! Don't forget to check out my Vlogmas videos giving you behind the scenes looks at my YouTube and blogging crafty adventures. 

1. Organize and find a place for my photo albums

Somehow, this goal got accomplished by someone who isn't me! As some of you know, most of my scrapbooks are still at home with my parents. My mother, found a spot for my albums at home while I've been at my new place! I'm happy that this goal is halfway complete! I'm looking for a way to store my albums in my new place, but I think December might lead to some progress.

2. Complete 2 travel albums

I am beyond happy to report that one of my travel albums are complete! I finished up the Pittsburgh album for my boyfriend's birthday this past month (by the way, he loved it). He's already seen some of the album since I've been working on it all year, but I am beyond happy that it is complete! The big beast to tackle next is my Disney album. I think the 6x8 album was easier to conquer because it was a new size to work with. My Disney album will be 12x12 hybrid of traditional and pocket page. I'm hoping to finish that album next year. Be on the lookout for my 2018 goals blogpost/video coming soon! 

3. Follow at least two spending freezes

I think my spending freezes work best when they are a week or less long(LOL). Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals got the best of me. I've also been trying to invest in my filming and blogging set up. I recently purchased this set of studio lights and will be reviewing them on the blog soon! I am however very excited to film some haul videos and DIY home decor and DIY gift ideas soon with all of my new goodies. 

4. Create more cards and have an organizational system for them

Cards, yes! I still have been creating and sending cards, as evident by some of my blogposts in November. I sent out some Thanksgiving cards and gave some to my mom to hand out to her friends. Card giving is one of the most joyous things ever. Have I found an organizational system for them yet? Eventually, I'll figure it out. I do have a makeshift shipping center that I've created in preparation for the giveaways I am hosting all December long, so that might transform into a card organization center. We'll see how that goes.

Thanks for stopping by and catching up with me! How're your scrappy goals looking for the end of the year? What're some successes and what can you tack on to next year's plan? Let me know!

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