VIDEO: Pick 5! // Sailor Pluto - 12x12 Process Video

June 04, 2016

Hello Friends! It's Saturday which means a fun new video to share with you all! I cannot believe that it's June. The weather is hot and it's been a great summer so far. I hope you all are enjoying yours. What are you doing this summer? Any fun plans? Now that I am done dilly dallying, I can share with you today's layout!

If you didn't happen to notice from the title, this is a Pick 5 layout! I picked 5 things from my stash to use and used them on one layout! The five things I picked were tiny letter alphabet stamps, a Disney paper pack, polka dot washi tape, red gems, and a wood mounted ticket stamp. I hope you enjoy this process video! 

As I talk about in the video, the photo I chose to scrap is one from our recent Disney vacation. We met Pluto in his adorable sailor outfit! Isn't he so precious? Just a little tip if any of you are huge Disney fans, go on a Disney cruise! We probably met over 20 characters on our 4 day cruise. So, amazing! Enough about vacation, here's some more photos.

Recently I've noticed that a lot of people are on the hunt to find mojo to tell their stories. I found that I too am trying to become better at telling the stories. There is no journaling on this layout, but there's a story to tell. Now, you're probably wondering why I didn't tell it...So am I. I'll have to go back into the album and add some journaling. 

My latest amazing find would be these super teeny tiny alphabet stickers by Teresa Collins. They were on clearance for I think 1.97 maybe. So many alphas! I now have 4 packs. But you have to admit that they are cute!

This blog post was a wee bit different than my other ones because all I did was talk about random scrappy things, but hopefully that's okay with you all! If you have any questions about products or techniques feel free to ask. Thanks for stopping by guys!

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