DIY: Halloween Treat Boxes, Tags, and Cards! // DIY Holiday

October 27, 2016

Hello my fellow Halloween lovers! Today is a fun Thursday over here on the blog because I am bringing a giant post full of fun Halloween DIY paper craft gifts! I've got boxes, cards, and tags, oh my! Let's jump right into this photo heavy post. 

The first piece of inspiration for all of your Halloween crafts are these fun little 4x4 inch cards. I'll be giving these to my roommates for a little bit of Halloween spirit. They are all made out of a 8" x 4" heavy cardstock sheet that is scored at 4".

The gray cardstock on each card is cut to 3 3/4" x 3 3/4". Before starting any portion of the card, I grab my watercolor set and wet the black pan very well. Once you have a small brush with black paint on it, flick it onto the gray cardstock background. You'll want to make sure the area is clear for any rogue splatters. To get more "splats" than "spots" get closer to the paper and flick the brush harder. Let all of those pieces dry to the side.

While you're waiting for those to dry, we need to find pieces to make the focal point of the cards! In all of these examples, I use some reallllllllly old American Crafts remarks Halloween stickers. Since some of them seemed to blend in to the background, I grabbed a piece of this bright orange/yellow paper and used my 2" circle punch. Then, to make it all stand out even more, I used some foam adhesive squares.

Since our splatters are now dry, we can start assembling! Once you have every one of your paper pieces in place, we'll want to pick out which sequins or gems you'll want to decorate your card with. For this project, I used black sequins from Darice and some orange ones from Kat Scrapiness in the Tutti Fruti Mix.

All of these cards have a diagonal visual line across them. I like to do this because it helps add somewhere for the eye to go. If it was just the center piece it wouldn't be as fluid, but still just as pretty. Now that the cards are all done, let's move on to the tag pieces!

These tags are pre-cut white tags by 7 Gypsies. They are the perfect size to go along with the boxes you'll see later in this post! I did the same technique on these as I have on the cards. First things first, we'll want to get the splatters out of the way. Same technique on these with the different splats and drops. Once they are dry, we can decorate! I wanted to create a base, so I used black washi tape from Ikea and then a border strip that says "boo" from DCWV's The Bewitched Stack.

To add more pizzazz, I used these die cut skull heads from October Afternoon's Witch Hazel collection. I also wanted to personalize the tags for each box I would be giving out, so I used alphabet stickers from Sticko for each initial. To complete these tags, I used some green and white ribbon and added a little knot at the top! Tada! Super easy and super cute! These would be also great as a place card for any murder mysteries you're hosting. Now, let's jump into the last project of this post!

These beautiful boxes were made using a simple tutorial. Each box will use one 12" x 12" piece of paper and one 6" x 6" piece of paper. For the bottom of the box, you will score it on all side at the 3" and 6" mark. This will give you 9 boxes in total. You'll want to cut four of those lines in towards the center (but only to the length of one square). All lines should be parallel to each other. Check out a video tutorial if you're confused. Then, the same thing for the smaller bozes, except you'll only need to make 4 score lines at the 15/16" line on each side. Once it's all glued  together, you're done!

These little fun gifts are perfect for anyone in your life! I hope you enjoyed all of these spooky ideas! I wish you a happy and safe Halloween! Stay tuned for Saturday's video, as it is another holiday project! Thanks for stopping by!

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