3 Easy DIY Halloween Light Strand Decorations // Cats, pumpkins, eyeballs & more!

October 24, 2015

Happy weekend everyone! Another Halloween themed post because it is next weekend, woo! This one is super fun though, I promise! Today, I'm bringing you three really fun ideas on how you can use your strands of Christmas lights to decorate for Halloween! You can do all of the ideas for less than $5, super simple and super easy. Let's jump right into it!

For our first idea, we'll be going into the ghoulish category by making eyeball light covers! You will need ping pong balls (check the dollar store for cheap ones), markers, and scissors.

To start, you'll want to use your scissors to make a small crisscross section for the light to fit into. 

Then, you'l proceed to color your eyeballs in whatever color you desire. I made blue and green eyeballs, but don't forget the creepy veins! 

Then you just pop them on top of your strands of lights and you're Halloween decor is already off to a great start! These would be really fun to make with kids too, but be aware that depending on what kind of markers you use, they may rub off and smear.

Our next super, simple, and inexpensive Halloween light decoration idea is cat themed (in case you couldn't tell already, I love cats). You'll need black cardstock, a ruler, a pencil, and some scissors. This one isn't nearly ass ghoulish as our eyeballs above, but spooky nonetheless. 

You'll just sketch a cat shape onto your black cardstock, I made mine a geometric cat, then cut it out. Be sure to approximate where you want your cat's eyes to be and make small slits for the lights to go through. Then, you'll just stick them onto a strand of lights and you're done! 

For the final light decor idea, you'll need more ping pong balls, some markers, and some scissors. This one, like the eyeball one, is super simple and inexpensive, and also really versatile.

You'll just draw on some cute little pumpkin faces (as detailed as you want) and pop them onto your light strand like we did the eyeball ones, by using the slit in the back.

I hope you enjoyed all of these super simple DIYs on a college student's budget. Be sure to watch the video below (and subscribe) for the full tutorial! Thanks for stopping by! Happy haunting!

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