Candy Corn Craze // DIY Candy Corn Decoration

October 15, 2015

Happy October folks! Are you counting down to Halloween yet? (Ps. it's only 16 days away, ahh!). Even if you're not counting down to the holiday, I'll share with you some easy Halloween decoration ideas in case you throw a last minute party! Be sure to check out some of my other ideas here

Today's easy DIY represents one of the icons of Halloween. These sweet, little treats are a staple in my home during the Fall. Not to mention you can make these inexpensive candy corn cones into all sorts of different height ranges to make a little forest, who wouldn't love that?!

To start off for this DIY  you'll need, a Styrofoam cone, yellow, orange, white streamers, tape/glue, and scissors. I would also recommend a few other alternatives to the streamers (even though you can find them at the dollar store), yarn would give it great texture, glitter would add some sparkle to your home. and possibly some ribbons could look pretty cool!

To start off you'll want to measure out the first strip that you'll be attaching to your cone. I just wrapped it around and then cut it. Of course I'm starting with yellow, it's candy corn, duh!

Once you have your piece measured, take your scissors and make a fringe effect on the bottom half of the streamer. Don't worry, it doesn't have to be exact! Next, I used my scor-tape and cut a strip and adhered it to my cone on the backside. I then, proceeded to wrap the fringed streamer around the cone until it met the other side of adhesive. Try to smooth out any bumps if you can, but you can always cover them up later!

Some extra tips for this project: Tape was not the easiest method as it did not adhere properly to the foam and hot glue was too intense for the thin streamers. Your best bet will be something along the lines of scor-tape, glue dots, or tear n' tape. Just go with the flow, if you make a mistake and can't fix it, I'm sure there could be a clever way to cover it up, if you look hard enough! 

I hope you all enjoyed my cute and festive DIY! If you make a candy corn cone village I would absolutely love to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by!

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