Everyday Moments // 12x12 Layout Share

May 26, 2016

How is May over already?! It feels like it just started! I have another Spring themed layout for you all today and this one features more yellow! Instead of pairing it with pink I decided to use up some of the teal bits I have in my stash. Here's an overview of the layout and then I'll go into details about products down below!

I mainly chose this color scheme due to the color of my scarf in the photo. If you're having trouble starting a layout, try looking at the colors in the photo for inspiration. Once I had found this beautiful yellow ombre paper the DCWV Mini Album stack, I decided to start pulling yellow elements from my stash. I saw the Pretty Little Studio star sticker sheet (which has several colors of stars) and was inspired to go with a teal, yellow, and gray theme.

For the layers behind my photo I looked through my scraps and found some of the Dear Lizzy 5th & Frolic papers. I also pulled some other scraps including some kraft cardstock to give my photo ground on the layout.

I pulled some die-cuts from the Shimelle collection and also used some cork stickers and chipboard pieces from my stash. As some of you have probably seen in my videos, I use a cute little dish to store scrap punch outs or small bits and pieces in. That's where I found the piece that says "Home is where the heart is" and the kraft ticket.

I hope you all enjoyed this layout. It was a really fun color combination to try out. Maybe you'll get to try a new color combo soon too! Thanks for stopping by! 

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