VIDEO: Kill a Kit! // Homemade Kit Series

September 01, 2016

Hello everyone! From the title of this video you can see that this is the last video fir my Homemade Kit Series. If you're new here, I have a whole video and blog series of how I created a kit, used my kit, and now what is left of my kit! I know that making kits help people bash their stash and help people feel less overwhelmed by their stash. Hopefully, you'll give kit making a try if you haven't yet! Now onto the Kill a Kit video! 

So, in the video, I overview everything I created with my kit (all of the layouts) and what is left of my kit. I built my homemade kit knowing that I wouldn't truly be able to kill it. As I address in the video, I get bored of these things easily, so I'll break apart this kit and maybe put together another one. 

Reflecting on the overall experience of making and using of my first homemade kit, I would say that it was positive, but not satisfying. I thought having things that were already coordinated would make creating layouts easier, but instead, I found it very restricting almost. It seemed to limit my creativity. This was a challenge for myself, to see if I could work strictly from the kit. However, I found that I would often times want to travel outside of the kit and use other supplies for my projects. This could've been a result of me incorporating too little into my kit or just the way kits are generally structured with what seems to be a recipe of sorts. Either way, I still enjoyed this method, but not as much as it seems everyone else is with this trend.

I hope you enjoyed this entire series, it was something fun and different for me to share with you all. If you want more things like this or have any suggestions, I would love to hear them! Thanks for stopping by!

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