Crafty Goals Monthly Report // July 2017

July 30, 2017

Hello there crafty friends! Welcome back! Can you believe that July is already almost over? Another month of summer has come and gone and I wish I could go back and do it all again! There were a lot of different projects this month. I share new techniques and brought back some of my regular series on my YouTube channel. I find myself so motivated by my 6x6 Fix series and my Stretch Your Stash series and I hope they inspire you! Without further ado let's get into the monthly crafty goal update.

1. Organize and find a place for my photo albums

There has been absolutely no progress on this action item. I'm not home much and the majority of time that I am home I'm sleeping, eating, or doing homework. There's definitely plenty of things to be done so this task has fallen lower on the list. Maybe August is the month that will actually yield some results!

2. Complete 2 travel albums

This is probably no surprise to many of you but, I haven't made any progress on this one either. If any one is looking to do a Disney collar please sign me up! I desperately need some motivation for all of these photos. We actually just got back from another vacation and I have a lot of photos to scrap! I think that our latest vacation would make a cute mini album.   

3. Follow at least two spending freezes

July was an awful month when it came to spending...I didn't mean to buy that much! I definitely want to take a long break from visiting craft stores during the month of August. For now though, I'll blame all of my spending on the amazing sales!

4. Create more cards and have an organizational system for them

This month I believe I handed out at least 6 cards! Definitely a nice and healthy number. If you follow me on my blog you'll see that I post most of my cards here. I made quite a few this month, so I'm quite happy with that. I however have not organized them at all. They're all in one spot, so that's good, but definitely not organized. I really need to wrangle my envelopes because they are out of whack!

My updates were shorter this month. I've been creating, but not really towards my goals. How're your crafty goals coming along? I'd love to hear about your thoughts on this monthly update as well! Don't forget, if you would like to a Disney collab or any type of collab let me know! I absolutely love doing collabs! Thanks for stopping by!

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