Crafty Goals Monthly Report // June 2017

July 02, 2017

Hello there crafty friends! Welcome back to my blog. Today, I am sharing another crafty goal report! I can't believe June has already come and went. It has been a long, long, month, but it went by in a flash. This was my first full month of online classes, my first month of having my full time job, and I'm exhausted! I hope you're all still happy with the content I am able to get out to you on a weekly basis. I shared quite a few extra videos this month for hops and collabs. I have also been receiving more requests for different types of videos, so be on the look out for those! Let's jump in to this update before I ramble on some more. 

1. Organize and find a place for my photo albums

There has been a tiny bit of progress for this one. We may have found a home for some albums! We're still rearranging some items, but the entertainment center should be able to fit a couple which makes me ecstatic! I'm hoping that once I have a 6x8 album done that those can live in different parts of the house as well since they are more compact in size. 

2. Complete 2 travel albums

I actually did a page in one of my travel albums, can you believe it?! I made another page in my Disney album thanks to a Disney themed hop I was a part of recently. I am in love with the way it turned out. I also received some motivation from a couple subscribers that they would like to see more Disney inspiration and I am happy to oblige. I hope you're excited for more Disney themed fun! As for my other travel album, I haven't worked on it for a little bit, but I think I'll dive back into that project sometime soon. 

3. Follow at least two spending freezes

I'm still amazed that I made this my goal. I was even a part of a fun 40 day spending freeze group and you know what I did? Yep, spent money on crafty goods. I can't pass up a great deal! It's against my nature! I am however, working on not buying any more stamp sets until I get rid of a couple of mine. I have too many that don't get used enough. I may have to alter this goal to be a craft room purge because buying is inevitable for me. 

4. Create more cards and have an organizational system for them

I love making cards. If you follow my YouTube channel, you'll see that I have posted a couple of card tutorials this week. I also typically post a bunch on my blog. I'm happy to say that I have sent out a couple of cards this week, 7 perhaps? Which is a great success in my book! If you want to find out about the totals for what items I made this month, check out my YouTube channel for more details.

Nothing too major happened this month, but I am proud with some progress I've been making. If you are tracking your goals, let me know how they're going in the comments down below! Thanks for stopping by!

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