Crafty Goals Monthly Report // January

January 29, 2017

Hello everyone! Happy almost February! I have decided that it would be really cool to do a crafty goals monthly progress report (hopefully on the Sunday closest to the end of every month). I know that I often times lose sight of my goals when life gets busy and I'm hoping that this series will not only keep me on track, but inspire you all to keep track of the progress on your goals as well. In case you haven't seen my initial goal setting post, you can find it here!

1) Organize and find a place for my photo albums

I did not have set goals besides within the year to have each of these goals done. The main part of this goal was to organize and organize them I did...sort of. I decided that if they are in their albums according to year, I would be (moderately) happy. So, the albums may have Christmas in the front, middle or end, but it'll be the correct year at least! I'm proud to say that I have four full albums and I can't wait to scrap now that everything is organized! Although I do not have nearly enough albums to organize every year of my life separately at the moment, I have the most recent years in their own albums and grouped the older years. So, you could say this task is complete, however it will be an ongoing battle. I'm very bad at putting layouts away, especially while I'm at school. I will be hopefully more organized and more willing to put my layouts away now.

As for the second part of this goal, my albums are all sitting in a giant box. We recently got a much larger television and are looking to purchase a larger television stand to go with it. I put in my request that I would like to be able to house some of the albums in it. I'll keep you updated about how my request turns out.

2.) Complete 2 travel albums

In my previous post I mentioned that I wanted to finish one Disney album and then hopefully our Pittsburgh trip as well. I'm happy to say that I have finished several of my Pittsburgh trip pages and am having a blast with the 6x8 size that I'm working with. You can check out some of the process videos for those pages over on my YouTube channel! I plan on posting more and more here on the blog as well. 

As for my Disney album, I've made a few changes to this goal. I am going to work on one album at a time. I've realized a few things while I have been crafting away. First, things spark my interest at different times. This new album size has really forced me to think more creatively and I am enjoying the process thoroughly. Second, there's something lack luster about doing 12x12 pages right now. Don't worry, I would never give up my precious 12x12 layouts! But, I think I do need a break sometimes and this other album is giving me that. Lastly, I had to bring way too much back to school. Rather than overwhelm myself with all of these projects, I have decided one at a time is just as good as multitasking (actually it's probably better for me). 

3) Follow at least 2 spending freezes

Well, well, well. I can't say that my January spending freeze was perfect. In fact, I only made one purchase (less than $20) and I think that is pretty amazing from what I was spending. I think I may alter this goal to be a year long commitment to less crafty spending. I have a lot of expenses coming up this year including loans, search for a car, search for a new laptop, and an upcoming vacation. With all of these variables, I know that I will be more willing to save. So, I think that next update you might see this goal labeled something else!

4)  Create more cards and have an organization system for them

If I am completely honest, I didn't create nearly as many cards as I wanted this month. This month was mostly a break from school, but now back in the hustle and bustle, I haven't had a lot of time to sit down and create. So, my grand total for cards this month was 10. Not huge, but at least something. The organized system has not even come close to being implemented, but I did completely reorganize and rearrange my crafty space at home (not that I get to use it now while I'm at school, but it'll be nice to come home to such a welcoming space). 

I hope you enjoy these monthly update posts. I can't wait to track my progress through these and to see how I can set better goals in the future. Thanks for stopping by and I'll catch you next time!

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