2 Ingredient Baking // Pumpkin Brownies

November 17, 2015

Hello folks! Another unique type of post today, I'm sharing my experience using a recipe from Cookies and Cups (here's the link to her post) for a 2 ingredient pumpkin brownie! Yum, yum and hopefully these will fly at the bake sale! (Need some bake sale tips? Be on the lookout for a bake sale tip post here!).

As I mentioned above, there are only two ingredients needed for these brownies! Can you guess what they are?;) (P.s. it's in the title and right above^). YES, just a can of pumpkin and a box of brownie mix! How simple is that? It honestly could not get any simpler. (Check out Cookies and Cups for tons more simple recipes and be on the lookout here for another post featuring a different two ingredient recipe from C&C).

So you'll want to start off your baking venture by preheating your oven to 350 degrees. This will ensure your brownies are ready to be popped in the oven as soon as you're done mixing the batter together. Next, you'll just want to combine your two ingredients. Once everything is thoroughly mixed together, pour your brownie batter into your pan and put it into your preheated oven for 25-30 minutes until they are set. Be sure to ask a parent for help whenever you are using an oven. Let them cool and then cut them to serve.

You'll have to try the recipe out yourself and see just how yummy they are! These flew off the table at the bake sale! Thanks for stopping by and be sure to check out my previous post for more info about the giveaway!

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