DIY Thankful Banner // Thankful Thursday

November 05, 2015

Hello folks and welcome back to my blog! If you're new here, be sure to follow me here and on my social media sites to ensure you get all the updates on new DIYS and posts!

Now, onto today's topic...I've decided that this November I'm going to participate in Thankful Thursdays (an idea from my own mind) and I want you to join in with me! Every Thursday, I'll be posting something that I'm thankful for and a way to show that thanks (whether it be a card, gift or something else!). It's really the simple and random acts of kindness that really make the world go round, so let's do this thing together! I was inspired to do this by Jennifer McGuire and her #ShareHandmadeKindness campaign.

Today's project is really inexpensive and easy! All you will need are some supplies from your stash and an optional pre-made banner (you can see what I pulled out below). I bought my banner at the dollar spot at Target (so hurry and get yours too, did I mention it's chalkboard!?!). Initially, I thought I was going to make a more elaborate 'Thankful' banner, but once I started, I loved my simplistic idea.

To decorate my banner, I pulled out five different ribbon spools from my stash. If you're anything like me, you're a ribbon hoarder and you hate to admit it (but it's so inexpensive and so pretty!!!). I started by cutting random lengths of ribbon and knotting it in between the different sections of banner. Feel free to make them all the same length if you're a little OCD about that sort of thing.  

This project made me reminisce of the classic Pinterest pin of the lighted burlap garland (the one that pops up on my feed no matter the time of year), I can't stop thinking about it! Thus, this project idea was born.

I made this little banner one night while my boyfriend was still in class and surprised him by having it all done and hung up. Then, I told him I was especially thankful for him (as always)! Be sure to tell me who or what you're thankful for in the comments of this post! (Stay tuned until the end of this post for how to enter a giveaway (coming soon)!).

Since my banner, was chalkboard, I just simply wrote "thankful", but feel free to use letter stickers, paint, or anything else your little heart desires! The chalkboard allows me to switch it up for every season!

I hope you enjoyed this quick, easy, and festive DIY! How are you giving thanks this Thursday? Let me know in the comments something you're thankful for and maybe, just maybe, I'll have a little giveaway for one of you (stay tuned until Saturday)! ;) Thanks for stopping by! 
*Giveaway is now closed*

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