VIDEO: Stretch Your Stash - Pocket Page Cards // 12x12 Scrapbook Layout Process Video

May 09, 2017

Hello friends and happy Tuesday! I have a very busy May, so I have pre -uploaded and pre-planned a bunch of extra videos to make you all extra inspired! Today, I have another stretch your stash episode which is all about pocket page cards! I don't know about you, but I have a ton of pocket page cards from various companies that I don't use as much as I should. So, I like to incorporate them onto a traditional layout in a unique way! 

I am a huge fan of grid style layouts. They are easy to put together and so much fun. I decided to do a grid type layout using a bunch of pocket page cards. These cards are from a variety of manufacturers including We R Memory Keepers, Elle's Studio, Recollections, and Project Life. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy watching the process of this coming together!

I'd like to reiterate how easy and fun this layout was to make. It is just as easy as a normal pocket page layout except now you can cross pockets more easily and make so many more designs! I also liked being able to mix and match the different cards together without having to worry about the other side of the page protector. 

I decided to keep things simple overall since there are so many patterns going on already. I like to use die cuts from the Oakley Avenue collection by Pretty Little Studio as it seemed to bring all of the colors on the layout together. If there is anything I would change about this layout it would be the base card in the bottom right. I don't like how the washi tapes lay on the navy background, but it works overall.

I created tiny clusters about the page. This one in the top left was an attempt to include more of the layout color scheme across the layout. Having this cluster of colors helps draw the eye around the page as well. Scrapbooking doesn't always have to be a balancing act. Although we talk about several design aspects when making scrapbooking layouts, what matters most are the stories and that you like it. So, don't let design concepts or anything along those lines frustrate you or prevent you from scrapbooking and telling your story.

Here's another cluster I created using this tiny phrase sticker as a focal point. It is from Simple Stories' Carpe Diem collection. I also included a button since it is one of my repeating elements and then a small silver pearl because I could and I wanted to.

I hope you all enjoyed this episode of Stretch Your Stash! It is fun to use things for a slightly different purpose. If you guys have any suggestions or ideas let me know and I would love to try them out. Thank you so much for watching! Thanks for stopping by!

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